My Pick TV

Smartphone vs Brain

The Battle of the New Millennium! In one corner, weighing in at 4.8 ounces....THE SMARTPHONE! In the other corner, coming in at approximately 3 pounds on average...THE BRAIN! Who will win this epic battle?

Sasketch Show is a New York City based online comedic series created by Joseph Bellino, Karen Bray, Paul Libero and Andrew Lynagh.  All episodes are written, produced and filmed by the Sasketch Show crew.  They each perform in the sketches as well as feature local actors.

Click the logo on the right to visit our website.

More episodes:

Epic Beer Time

Guy Time

The Dreamstalks “When I Grow UP”

High Schoolers Talk Dictators

Superhero Roommate

St. Patrick’s Day

Zoot Suit Riots: The Musical

Smartphone vs Brain

Happy Valentines Day

Getting Serious


Ben The Humicorn

Smells Like Oak

Saturday Shenanigans

Amazingly Amish

Jesus of Nazareth: The Last Summer

Commuter Cast

Breaking News

Sasketch Show